Leaders as Coaches and Mentors

“Would you tell me please, which way I ought to go from here?”
“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat.
“I don’t much care where,” said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t much matter which way you go.”

• What skills does an effective Leader as a Coach and/or Mentor require?

• Are you an effective Leader who can make the distinction of the skills required to: Coach? Mentor? Educate? Facilitate? Teach? Consult?

• Are you a leader who Coaches when in fact you need to be Mentoring?

• Are you a leader who Mentors when in fact you need to Coach?

• Do you use language ‘let me show you’ rather than let me ‘teach you?’

• How do you use your ‘lived experiences’ to tell your story to impact change?

Coaching and mentoring are often thought of as the same thing or are used interchangeably. They are different.
We believe every leader requires four basic skills to be effective. All leaders are expected to be skilled in a variety of roles. For a leader to be effective they must able to ‘see and feel’ themselves as an ‘all in one’ Coach, Mentor, Educator Facilitator, Teacher and Consultant and can differentiate the skills required for different situations.

Effective leaders understand every team member is motivated by their personal values and beliefs which impact their relationships with others. The most successful leaders and managers use their understanding of their team’s motivational values to develop their individual capability and capacity who at times might find it challenging to belong or relate in a team environment.

Leaders as coaches and Mentor’s style is gaining popularity and strength among team members as it demonstrates their leader is invested in their professional and personally success journey.

The Leaders as coaches and Mentor’s role involves asking and listening rather than knowing and telling. It comes from a mindset of holding the person as a fully capable of finding their own answers regarding self-awareness and performance.


Did you know Coaches:

focus on developing capability and capacity of their Coachee?

Use inquiry-based insightful questioning with the intention of creating ‘possibility thinking” for their Coachee

provides the opportunity for people to see ‘possibility thinking’ to solve their own challenges.

supports, challenges and encourages, especially when it comes to giving feedback

focus on raising self-awareness and behaviour


Did you know Mentors:

focus on sharing their ‘lived experiences’ with their Mentoree

provide an experienced framework for possible career pathways

offer advice based on knowledge, expertise and ‘lived experiences’

help others gain a broader and deeper perspective and understanding of the business

offer networking connections to other functions and levels of the organisation

help with political and cultural awareness and navigation of the company

Share strategies for communicating, problem-solving and decision-making

Offer either formal structured or informal sessions

Focus on highlighting career-challenging thoughts or actions


To Coach or To Mentor that is the question.

Our 2 day highly interactive facilitated online workshop provides you with a practical approach to learning from one of the oldest Coaching and Mentoring training providers in Australia.

Our OPTIONS Model of Coaching and Mentoring will provide you with the skills to determine what skills to use when.

It’s proven that ongoing development of team members can drive engagement, improve performance and reduce attrition. Coaching and mentoring is critical for employees to continually develop their skills and progress their careers, yet research shows research shows only 9% of a manager’s time is currently spent coaching or mentoring, the quality of which is often mixed.

ACWE’s Coaching and Mentoring 2 day course will unlock your passion for helping others.

When you complete ACWE’s Coaching and Mentoring, you will receive a certificate to recognise the high standard of learning and skill development you have attained. Print your industry-recognised certificate of attainment or share electronically to demonstrate your ever-growing value to your team members and peers.


Learning Outcomes

The ultimate goal of coaching or mentoring programs is to change the culture of the organisation so that learning is ever present. In a “learning organisation”, people do not just perform tasks – they are always developing their capacity and knowledge so that next time they will do that task better. Our Coaching and Mentoring short course, facilitated by experienced industry practitioners online, will provide you and your business with all the tools and knowledge necessary to implement a successful coaching or mentoring program in your organisation.

Upon completion of this course you’ll be able to Learn Coaching and Mentoring Skills to:

Develop your Coaching and Mentoring skills to enhance your current leadership skills

Develop your Coaching and Mentoring skills to create a career change and be employed as a coach either full or part-time.

Book your Free 30-minute call to find out how this can work in your company

The Australasian Centre for Work Education Pty Ltd (ACWE Pty Ltd) - RTO# 40857 would like to pay our respects and acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional custodians of the land, rivers, and sea. We acknowledge and pay our respects to Elders, past, present, and emerging, of all nations.

PO Box 1554, Maroubra NSW 2035 Australia

2021 © Australasian Centre for Work Education Pty Ltd - RTO 40857